Early yesterday morning I drove along Lake Champlain after going to vote. The light on the lake was amazing. But,... I didn't have my camera. So this morning I took it along on my way to work. Of course the light was nice this morning, but not the same deep peach color over the water as yesterday. However, every morning gives me the message that it's a new day and anything is possible.

This evening the sky to the west was a solid pale pink.

When I went back out on the deck to get the salmon off the grill it had become a deeper shade, and clouds were making layers,...

And five minutes later it was a deep rose color...

And ten minutes after that it was all over,... dark.
Beautiful! I like the progression of the last three, but there's so much pure beauty in the first!
Golly, those are absolutely stunning. I cannot believe the spectacular sights that Mother Nature gives to us. Amazing photography! Splendid!
Mountain Retreat- Canada
Thanks Montucky, those shots were totally by accident. I was only going to use one of them, but every few minutes it looked "better"... when I got them into the computer I realized I wanted to use all three!
Your home is surrounded by such beauty, and you have the eye to capture it with your camera. Thanks for sharing.
All so gorgeous - really enjoyed these photos!
Michele, akagaga, beckles1 and shellmo...thanks so much for your kind words!
Oh, good golly those evening photos are stunning! I've always said (and I've probably said it here too) that there just seems to be something special about the quality of the light in the Adirondacks. It has a particular clarity or something. Thanks for the pics!
CM,... yes, the sunsets here are outstanding. I'm also partial to those on the St.Lawerence River and on the Gulf of Mexico. But the ones here have the mountains to sillouette against the deep rose colors,... can't be beat! I was just glad that my camera was handy!
I love that you travel around with your camera ready for anything! Since I began hiking I am more apt to notice the beauty that is all around us in the sky, clouds, water, trees and mountains. I verbalize how pretty all of our surroundings are to the point my kids say "mom, that is all you talk about". I want them to notice it now, now 20 years from now. But I guess it takes a while to realize how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place. thanks for sharing your photos!
I've never been to the Adirondacks, but I've drooled over the old Adirondack Camps all my life. Your photos are just gorgeous, and I plan to visit her often. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I might never have found you otherwise!
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