The snow beside my carport is receding with the warmer temperatures. This miniature forest of moss is in its most brilliant green for the upcoming St.Patrick's Day!

It actually looks like a maze of tiny evergreen trees! I wonder if leprechauns are living there?
how gorgeous and soft is that moss??? I love the beautiful color green and yes, I bet a whole family lives there.
How pretty! Don't you love the moss?
Happy St. Pat's Day!
Cedar I have always thought that and never more so than when moving to the land of moss here in oregon.
A lovely color green, it reminds me of all the magic that is happening under the snow!
The tiny plants and mosses we get in the cool damp of the Adirondacks are frequently my favorite plants. I find myself going out to take pictures of moss and mushrooms.
Nice to see some green! Now we need that pot of gold....
Oh nice... to see green is such a delight!! I get so excited to when I see green after a long cold winter so I will have that same reaction when out winter is finally done!!
This time of year, it is nice to see green from any source. Mosses, lichen and fungi make interesting subjects for photography particularly close-up and macro. Good catch.
I'm so ready for spring. The green is such a beautiful contrast with the snow.
I just love moss! Beautiful color! What a wonderful view from your deck! I would be spending some serious time there. Jean
That green is good for the soul. I wait patiently... well, maybe not so patiently.
I love all the little tiny life forms that start growing now. The itsy bitsy plants and flowers that bloom are my favorites. It's those little things people overlook all the time that are so cool!
The green is so beautiful against the ice of winter! Our moss here in east TN gets a brilliant green in the winter and it makes me want to lie down on it and watch for those leprechauns!
It was 85 degrees just down the mountain from us on Tuesday. Spring is springing here, with daffodils in bloom and the birds building nests.
Happy Spring!
Love the moss! We see alot of this when we are hiking in the Adirondacks!
I'm sure they do. Why else would the snow melt and the green appear just before St. Paddy's?
Thank goodness Cedar! This week should expose a little more green. I can't wait!
Lovely green - must be so nice to see those fresh colors after all the white for so long.
Cedar, THANK YOU for your kind comments to me. You are SO encouraging! And thank you for signing up to FOLLOW! What a nice surprise this morning. :) Blessings.
Oh yes, I do believe I see one of the little fellas! Lovely photo~
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