Thoughts on the mountains, lakes, people, plants, animals and everyday life here in the North Country.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Headin' Out,...
Lunch on the fly,....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Along the Hudson,...
Just north of the village of North Creek, along route 28, the Hudson's flow is a long way from busy New York City and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. Here in the Adirondacks, the high water of springtime is over, it is peaceful at this time of year.
It's no wonder that several cars were parked here and people were out sitting along the river enjoying one of the last really warm afternoons of summer.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Salad to Die For!...
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Sun Shines on North Creek!...
The Ski Bowl Park was filled with campers, tents, vans and large motorhomes. When I arrived at noon on Thursday, a day before the opening act came on the stage, there were many people already there and small groups gathering for "field picking." Festivals such as these are a staple in the summer social scene and a wonderful example of Adirondack/North Country culture.
Here is Dave Nichols and "Spare Change" from Malone, NY. Dave is playing mandolin, his wife, Nadine is playing the bass. He always features each band member in various songs, sharing the "spotlight."
By mid-day on Saturday the audience filled the pavillion, by sunset the lawn in front was covered with people on blankets and in lawn chairs. Children danced and played to the music.
"Smokey" Green, a North Country legend entertains,....
Here two young men are working the edge of the crowd selling raffle tickets for a guitar by Blueridge. Dave Nichols donates a guitar for a raffle and all proceeds go to support the festival. Dave does this at each festival he attends. What a generous way to support the continuation of bluegrass in the Adirondacks and surrounding areas. Dave Nichols is an artist who builds mandolins and also does custom pearl inlay work as well as performing. Check him out at .
Other performers were The Atkinson Family,...
and another of my most favorite,... Cabin Fever,
If you want to experience fun and friendship in the "bluegrass family"... attend a festival. Don't forget to bring a lawn chair,... and settle down to spend a few hours or a weekend with some great music!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Going Camping!
I'll be leaving this a.m. for a long weekend at a bluegrass festival.
I'll see you bright and early Monday morning!
Right under my nose!...
So, playing detective, I followed her back to the side of the house ..... ahah! She was sniffing and rubbing against a plant. I came to the computer and did a search as I thought after rubbing the leaves it might be catnip. It was. Here was a catnip plant less than a dozen feet from my door, and I'd been paying for a little bag of it at Petsmart! So I will scout around here and see if there are more plants and dry my own for her this fall.
Midnight is a very happy cat and I'm still laughing.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Turning colder, turning golden,...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New kid on the block,...
I consulted with one of my favorite reference books, "North American Wildlife," edited by Susan J. Wernert, and matched it with a photo of Sweet Joe-pye-weed. According to the listing it's prevelent in the eastern half of the country. However, I am very certain it's not been here in our immediate locality before. An internet search shows it as a native wildflower, whose blooms attract swallowtail butterflies, so I will say "welcome!"
I will be watching next summer to see if it has spread further. What a welcome new neighbor!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Horsing Around,...
These draft horses are meant to work, they practically dance in anticipation when they are backing up to hitch. Yesterday's contest at the fair was marked by sportsmanship between drivers who all shook hands at the end when the winner was announced. And at no time did a driver mistreat a team. It was a real joy to watch the teams do what their breeding meant for them to do.
A team of Belgians hitched and ready to do what comes naturally for them.
Other horse events were happening in the show ring. Here a young lady readies her favorite friend for his saddle.
Comepetition in various classes of horsemanship...
Of course the midway was the hub of the fairgrounds as it was Saturday and parents were bringing their children for the fun and games...
But my favorite place was hanging out with the big guys,... this was my goodbye shot as I was leaving to go home!