This little girl is getting an early start with her talent! It will be fun to watch her grow up and become a strong bass player.
Guest bands were from all over the east and also from Canada. Here is Dave Nichols and Spare Change from Malone, NY.
Cabin Fever from Latham, NY,...
Atkinson Family Band, also from state of NY.
Blue Horizon from Nova Scotia.
Blue Horizon signing the last of their cds. They sold out!
This was my first time at the Basin,... next year I'll arrive earlier and stay later! Guess that sums it up as a great time!
Thanks for the invitation to go with you to the Basin Bluegrass Festival... it was a wonderful experience... had not done that one before. There were lots of various vendors ranging from breakfast sweets and coffee to rv sales and everything inbetween. Got to see an "old"friends and his two dogs Jesse and JJ; and made new friends who I am sure we will see again at other festivals. The best of all was the awesome bluegrass music. I brought along projects to work on for my classroom next year.. and what a way to "work"... foot a -tappin', head a bobbin' and singing along with the music... got lots done.. and had fun doing it!!!! Also got to see some bands we already know: Dave Nichols and Spare Change, Acoustic Blue.. and Cabin Fever... but also got to hear some new groups... at least new to me... Blue HOrizon out of NOva Scotia was , I believe , an absolute hit... young people with a rich, spirited sound... look forward to hearing them again. Had a marvelous time... and can't wait to go back again. Thans for the invite.
Sure looked like fun. I would really enjoy that!
Thanks Montucky and adkkeb,... yes it was a fun time. Next one is late in August!
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