Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Deere In The Backyard!...

This past week was our county fair. One of the exhibits was a John Deere dealership. My almost 12 year old grandson went shopping! He works on his father's dairy farm and mows lawns for others including me. He had saved $750 for a down payment and his mom and dad signed for the rest on his behalf. However my grandson will be making the payments. He's now in business!
Mowing my lawn with the new machine!
He's a very hard worker, last year he bought himself a four-wheeler. And as you can see below he takes care of his machinery. After using the hose on the blade via the built in wash system, he turns it completely off and hoses down the top of the deck. He knows how things work, he can fix things and is very conscientious about safety. Wise beyond his years!
With this motivation I can see that he'll have a nice sum ready to start college with.


Shelley said...

My hubby has been dreaming about a John Deere! So wonderful your grandson saved for it and was able to realize his goal of getting it. I have no doubt he has a bright future ahead of him!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Cedar, you must be a very proud grandma and rightly so! Both of my boys started working on dairy farms at the age of 12. No instant gratification, but the lesson of hard work while reaping it's rewards! I believe the lesson of hard work makes one value and appreciate the items earned. I'm very impressed with your handsome grandson.

Anonymous said...

Good for him! That also speaks well for the way he was raised.

Char said...

i always admire a young person with ambition and pride. i know that you are so proud of him.

NCmountainwoman said...

It is so wonderful to see a teen actually working for his money instead of looking to mom and dad. My brother had a great toy John Deere when we were little kids. We spent many happy hours playing with it.

Carolyn said...

Cedar, I have to agree with Montucky that your grandson reflects how he was brought up! You must be proud of your grandson and his parents.
Blessings and smiles

troutbirder said...

Nothing runs like a Deere or a hard working grandson who has his act together!

maryelizabethroche said...

My eldest son, many years ago, drove our beautiful John Deere right through our screen porch. Needless to say, he never rode it again.
I'm sure it wasn't a disappointment that his younger brother took over the mowing.
Good for your grandson, the entrepreneur!


Jean said...

That is really awesome for a kid his age! You and his parents must be very proud of him. Jean

The Silver Age Sara said...

Good for him. It's so wonderful to read about younger people who are hardworking and industrious.

Beth Niquette said...

How cool is that? I LOVE this Deere. lol

Roger Owen Green said...

can't justify buying one for our tiny lawn. but i covet.

Cedar ... said...

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments about my grandson's purchase. I know he has a plan to earn money through high school for his college education.